Responsibilities of a Worker’s Compensation Attorney

Orlando, FL – Too often you hear that an accident has occurred at a workplace and a few people have gotten injured in that accident. What happens when the injuries turn out to be fatal? The employee who gets injured during any accident at the work place is entitled to some benefits. Helping to determine whether or not these benefits will be  justly given to the recipient is the job of a worker’s compensation attorney.

It is the job of this attorney to fight for the rights of those employees who have gotten injured during any type of accident at the workplace and ensure that they receive proper benefits. These attorneys represent their respective clients, determine which benefits they are entitled to receive and then see the process through to the end.

Job Responsibilities Relating to Workers Comp

A worker’s compensation attorney is fighting for the rights of injured employees. Their main job is to obtain the benefits to which their clients’ are entitled. They act as the intermediary party who helps the employee and the employer come to an agreement. They must act fast on their feet and gather all the relevant evidence which will help their client get the exact amount of benefits to which he/ she is entitled.

This blog will highlight some of the responsibilities which must be performed diligently by every worker’s compensation attorney in Orlando, Florida.

  • He/ she must maintain a record of the medical history of his/ her client.
  • He/ she should obtain a copy of the medical evidence stating the extent of the injury suffered by his/ her client.
  • He/ she must take deposition from physicians, medical specialists, claimants, and other involved parties of interest.
  • He/ she must perform legal research.
  • He/ she must remain up to date with the latest happening pertaining to the worker’s compensation laws, and also notice any changes which might take place in them.
  • He/ she must prepare drafts of the required documents like facts, findings, pleadings, motions, briefs, copy of proceedings, and any other legal documents which might be relevant to the case.
  • He/ she must represent his/ her client at all times, and litigate the case before a judge or referee.
  • He/ she must obtain all information, which is considered as significant by his/ her client.

Along with all of these responsibilities, the task of filing the claim on behalf of the client also falls on the worker’s compensation attorney in Orlando, Florida.

You never know when you might require the services of a worker’s compensation attorney, hence, it is recommended that you always speak with an attorney if a work related accident occurs and you are injured.  You will want to receive proper compensation for a work-related accident.  Maneuvering through the legal processes on your own can be a tough task, especially while you are trying to recover from an injury.

Leaving it up to a professional allows you to recuperate without having to worry about a thing.

Orlando Workers Compensation Contact Information

Contact Vaughan Law Group’s Orlando Workers Compensation Attorneys today for your free initial consultation. You can contact Vaughan Law Group at (407) 434-0074.
