Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Or Appeal

Do you need help filing a workers’ compensation claim or appeal in Florida? Contact Vaughan Law Group today.

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How to File for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida

Vaughan Law Group

How to File an Appeal for Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you were denied workers’ compensation benefits, rest assured knowing this is not the end of the road. You still have legal options available for you to obtain the benefits you rightfully deserve. Unfortunately, insurance companies often wrongfully deny benefits for injured workers by making various claims against them. Whether claims against you are that you did not file in time, you do not have enough evidence, your injury doesn’t qualify, or for another reason, you have the ability to appeal your denial.

In Florida, injured workers have up to two years to file a petition surrounding benefits from their injuries. In cases where you were wrongfully denied a specific benefit, such as coverage for medical treatment, you have up to one year from the date of your last payment to file a claim to recover benefits you were denied.

To file an appeal, you must mail or fax a Petition for Benefits to the Clerk at the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims. This form will ask you specific details surrounding your claim, such as details of your accident, what type of injuries you sustained, any lost wages incurred, and various other details.

Once your petition is received, the OJCC will notify your employer and its insurance company. The insurance company has 14-days to respond to the OJCC or they must pay your claim.

If your claim was denied, it is best to contact a workers’ compensation attorney in Florida as soon as possible.

Workers’ Compensation Appeal Process in Florida

Vaughan Law Group

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