How Does the Multiplier Method Affect an Injury Claim in Florida?

How Does the Multiplier Method Affect an Injury Claim in Florida

If you were the victim of an injury accident such as a Florida motorcycle accident, car crash, or pedestrian accident, for example, you have the right to file a claim for compensation. Working with an attorney improves your chances of securing a settlement that covers your damages when compared to filing a Florida personal injury suit alone. The purpose of your claim will be to gain compensation that covers all of the harm and trauma you had to endure. While there are concrete damages that provide an exact dollar amount such as medical bills after treatment for injuries you suffered or a mechanic’s bill for repairs to your car, there are other damages that do not come with a material price tag. Emotional distress is one of them.

Emotional distress can be identified and a value can be put on it, but to ensure the right amount is assessed, it is best to have smart and experienced legal counsel on your side. The Vaughan Law Group has over 30 years of experience handling many types of injury cases in the greater Orlando area. The Orlando personal injury attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group give their complete attention to each case and the victim while providing the most detailed, individualized, and highest-quality legal counsel.  The Vaughan Law Group knows the system and how to maximize results for victims of injury accidents in Central Florida.

How Does the Multiplier Method Work?

How Does the Multiplier Method Affect an Injury Claim in FloridaEach injury accident in Florida comes with some amount of severity and a plethora of different damages that a victim had to endure. Your attorney at the Vaughan Law Group will thoroughly examine your case to identify what damages were sustained. There are going to be economic damages like the cost of property repairs or lost earnings put into your claim. There are also likely going to be non-economic damages like emotional distress included.

After all of the damages, you sustained have been compiled and their costs assessed, they will be added up. The total costs of the damages will then be multiplied by a number that most often is anywhere between 1.5 to five. The final number that results after the sum is multiplied by the chosen number is going to be the amount of money that you are demanding for all of the harm you had to endure. 

This number should account for the level of emotional distress you had to go through or are currently experiencing. You may have developed conditions such as anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder and those conditions do not go away overnight. They require costly medications and in many cases therapeutic counseling services. Even if you are able to get a handle on your condition, you may never be able to feel the way you did before you had your accident.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

Proving that emotional distress is a legitimate affliction that you are suffering from is much more difficult to do than showing receipts from economic damages. The Vaughan Law Group can support you with your Florida personal injury claim and help you get the money you need and deserve. Call the Vaughan Law Group today at (407) 648-1426 to schedule your free consultation.
