Practice These Tips To Stop Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the leading factors that cause accidents. As a society, we are becoming more and more entrenched in our devices and so busy that we cannot concentrate. Because of our fast-paced culture and the advances in technology, our distractions are only increasing and with them, so are vehicular accidents. According to […]
Tips on How to Avoid Workplace Injuries | Orlando Workers Comp Attorney
Getting hurt on the job is a lose-lose situation for both employee and employer. As an employee it can lower your productiveness and for an employer it could mean going bankrupt if you are found negligent. Though you cannot supervise every situation in the workplace, there are ways you can limit the possibilities and exposure […]
Landlord Liability
Orlando, FL – Nobody feels comfortable playing the blame game when hurt, but it is sometimes necessary. If a landlord does little to maintain and upkeep the property they are renting and a tenant or a visitor is injured as a result, the injured party has every right to recover for losses. This is established […]
If a Contractor is injured on the job at your home, are you liable?
Orlando, FL – Winter is a good time to complete indoor home-improvement projects and the time to plan for spring projects. When hiring a contractor, you will likely ask if they have insurance to cover any accidents or damage caused by their crew. It’s an excellent question, but you also may want to take the […]
The Role of a Personal Representative in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Orlando, FL – When families lose a loved one in an accident and bring a wrongful death lawsuit, a personal representative is appointed to act in the best interest of anyone who might have an interest or benefit in such action. When someone dies, anything that they owned of value becomes part of their estate. […]
Riding with Rigs –
Orlando, FL – If you find yourself riding alongside tractor-trailers, be aware that large commercial vehicles—despite having professional drivers—are hard to stop and more difficult to operate in poor weather. Due to the size and weight of commercial trucks, accidents can be severe. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, in 2012, 3,921 people were […]
How to File a Workers Compensation Claim in Orlando Florida
Orlando, FL – If you have been injured while working or develop any occupational disease, then it is very important that you file a workers’ compensation claim. While it cannot undo what happened to you, it can at least pay for the medical expenses and financial losses that you might incur as a result of […]
Worker’s Compensation Orlando Florida- Thing You Should Know
Orlando, FL – If you are working in Orlando, Florida and you have a job that requires you to work in hazardous conditions, then it is advisable to have a sound understanding of workers’ compensation law in Orlando Florida in case you ever suffer from a workplace injury you know what kind of financial relief […]