Spring Break Safety Tips

Spring break is a tradition among college students and young adults, but alcohol, large crowds, and lots of sun often create a dangerous environment that can result in alcohol poisoning, sexual assault, and other serious injuries. Here are tips to have a memorable and safe spring vacation from SABRE, a security equipment corporation that provides personal safety, home security, and law enforcement products.

Arrive safely. Driving through the night to make it down to Florida or other sunny destinations is common for spring breakers. But the National Safety Council says traffic death rates are three times greater at night than during the day. If you can’t avoid night driving, at least one passenger should stay awake to talk to the driver.

Be smart about who you give personal information to. For instance, don’t tell new acquaintances your hotel or room number.

Make sure you know the name and address of your hotel or take a hotel business card out with you so you can give it to a cab driver. This is especially important if you don’t speak the local language.

Use the buddy system—it works! Never leave a party with a stranger. Travel with a friend or, better yet, with a group and stay at your intended destination.

Practice safe drinking. Designate one person in a group per night to drink minimally or not at all to look out for everyone. Also, always keep your drink in hand or where you can see it, and only accept drinks that were made or poured in front of you.

Hydrate and wear sunscreen. Heat stroke and melanoma aren’t happy spring-break thoughts, but too much time in the sun can leave you dehydrated with an increased risk of sunburn. Take sunscreen and plenty of water with you to the beach or pool.

If you need help filing a claim, or if your workers’ compensation claim has been denied, call a qualified lawyer to discuss your case.

Vaughan Law Group – Attorneys at Law – Orlando, FL

Thomas Vaughan has been recognized as one of the nation’s top 100 injured workers’ attorneys by WILG (Workers’ Injury Law and Advocacy Group). He has also been recognized as one of the top lawyers in Florida by The Legal Network and one of Orlando’s top lawyers by Orlando Home & Leisure.
