Long-Term Injuries in Florida and Personal Injury Claims

Long-Term Injuries in Florida and Personal Injury Claims

There are several outcomes that can happen after a Florida car accident. Sometimes a minor fender bender only results in minimal property damages and no one involved is hurt. In other situations, there could be moderate property damages with some severity of injuries. In the most catastrophic Florida car accidents, substantial injuries or death and massive property damages can result. Depending on how your Florida automobile accident took place, you may be able to pursue a Florida personal injury claim for compensation to cover the costs of your losses.

The Florida personal injury attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group have extensive experience helping victims of moderate to devastating car accidents receive the highest quality legal representation and guidance to ensure that they can obtain the maximal amount of compensation from their claim. Individuals injured in traffic accidents in Florida have the right to pursue compensation for their damages by filing a Florida personal injury claim. When you are ready to learn more about your legal options after your Orlando car accident, call the Vaughan Law Group immediately.

What Types of Injuries Can Lead to Long-Term Consequences?

Long-Term Injuries in Florida and Personal Injury ClaimsAlmost any accident situation can have long-term consequences. Even if the physical harm that was sustained in an accident wasn’t catastrophic in nature, that doesn’t mean that a victim wasn’t inflicted with a high level of psychological and emotional trauma that affects their life for the long-term. Just like physical damages, psychological damage can also be complicated to manage, heal from, and to live with. 

There are many types of physical bodily harm that may have life-long implications after an Orlando car accident. Examples of long-term injuries that have the potential to affect a victim’s life negatively include:

  • Brain and head trauma
  • Spinal damage
  • Vision impairment and loss
  • Poor hearing and hearing loss
  • Paralysis
  • Severe disfigurement
  • Widespread burns
  • Limb amputation
  • Intense scarring

When serious, long-term injuries were sustained after an accident, all of the destruction they have brought upon a victim must be included in the victim’s Orlando personal injury claim. A victim of a cataclysmic Florida traffic accident shouldn’t have to settle for less than what they deserve and need in their personal injury claim. The Orlando car accident attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group will ensure that if you have had to endure immense harm from your Orlando traffic accident that you get a fair and full settlement to help you while you work on getting better.

Speak with a Florida Personal Injury Attorney Today

There is no time to waste when it comes to starting the Florida personal injury claims process. There is a statute of limitations that if missed, can lead to a victim being unable to pursue compensation for their damages. Once you file your claim, anything can happen which can lead to delays so having as much time as possible to build a strong claim is necessary. To schedule your free consultation where you can discuss your accident experience, call the Orlando personal injury attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group at (407) 648-1426. 
