Riding a motorcycle can be a fun and exciting way to get from one place to the next or it can be just a leisurely activity. For motorcycle riders and their passengers, there are many dangers that exist which can cause crashes to take place and devastating injuries and death to result. Motorcycles, just by their size and design do not offer much protection so when impact does happen, the potential for serious damages is high.
Negligence while riding a motorcycle, speeding, riding while inebriated, riding near an aggressive driver, or a motorcycle that malfunctions are all common reasons for a motorcycle crash to happen. Florida is home to a large number of registered motorcyclists. In 2019, the state was just second behind California with almost 600,000 registered motorcycles. By contrast, the state has over 7.8 million registered automobiles.
How Deadly Are Motorcycle When Compared to Car Crashes?
The Insurance Information Insitute reports that motorcycle accidents can be extremely deadly, much more so than accidents for occupants of passenger vehicles. When compared to car accidents, motorcycle occupants are 29% more likely to suffer death when a crash takes place than those who reside in passenger vehicles. Just shy of half of all motorcycle accidents will result in injuries.
So while in 2019 there was less than 1% of all motorcycle crashes in the state of Florida resulting in death, when looking at the rest of the nation, the number of deaths Floridian motorcycle occupants suffered was significant. That same year, the number of motorcycle occupants in Florida that died made up 11% of the national death rate for motorcycle crashes.
In 2019, the III also shows that the rate of fatal crashes per 100,000 registered cars in the country was 15.06. For light trucks that rate was 13.53. But for motorcycles, the rate was significantly higher than both light trucks and passenger vehicles at 59.49. So what does this tell us? That even though the number of registered motorcycles is significantly less than passenger cars, they make up a large proportion of deadly traffic accidents every year.
After inspecting the details of the deadly motorcycle accidents in Florida that took place in 2019, 46.7% of riders that year were not wearing their helmet when their deadly motorcycle accident took place. That means that of all the deaths from motorcycle crashes in Florida in 2019, a common factor was not wearing a helmet.
Studies and statistics clearly show the importance of wearing a helmet while riding on a motorcycle. Each state has its own motorcycle helmet laws. For Floridians that are over the age of 21 and in possession of the minimum insurance coverage as defined by the state, a helmet is optional. Florida’s motorcycle helmet laws allow in some circumstances, the ability to legally ride without using the protective headgear.
Speak to an Orlando Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today
The possibility of substantial injuries and death after a motorcycle accident is notable. After a motorcycle accident in Orlando, to secure the most compensation in a Florida personal injury claim, call the experienced Orlando motorcycle accident attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group. To schedule your free consultation with a proficient attorney at the Vaughan Law Group call today at (407) 648-1426.