Do My Injuries Qualify for a Florida Personal Injury Claim?

Do My Injuries Qualify for a Florida Personal Injury Claim

After a Florida car accident, if you or a loved one were injured by another party’s negligence, you may be wondering what happens next. Car accidents can bring about many changes including property damage, injury, or even death. It is common for victims who sustain injuries in an accident that was not their fault to […]

Our Summer 2020 Newsletter

We hope you and your families are having a fantastic and safe summer during these at sometimes strange times! Summer 2020 Newsletter

Are There Different Types of Paralysis?

Are There Different Types of Paralysis

Paralysis can be complicated and complex. It can be temporary or permanent or it may come-and-go, but no matter how it affects you, the one thing that doesn’t change is that there is no cure. You can be hit while playing a sport and instantly be paralyzed if the injury from the hit was near […]