$610,000 ​Orlando W​orkers ​C​omp S​ettlement 2018

Vaughan Law Group secured a $610,000 settlement in a combination of cash and annuity for this client’s cervical back injury that was further complicated by a surgical procedure. Attorney ​Thomas ​Vaughan had previously prevailed on the issue of permanent total disability​ on this Orlando Workers Compensation case.

$500,000 ​ ​-​ ​over $1,000,000 ​W​orker’s ​C​omp ​S​ettlement Orlando 2018

V​aughan ​L​aw ​G​roup​ secured a $500,000 settlement for a young man with a neurological condition sustained as a result of a fall at his employer’s supermarket. Attorney ​Thomas ​Vaughan had been previously instrumental in forcing the workers compensation insurance company to accept this young man as totally disabled. Total amount of benefits received by this […]

$200,000 ​W​orkers ​C​ompensation ​S​ettlement Ft​.​ Lauderdale 2018

V​aughan ​L​aw ​G​roup​ secured a $200,000 settlement for an undocumented Mexican worker who sustained a foot crush injury while working as a lettuce-picker in the fields near Lak​e​ Okeechobee. The ​workers compensation ​case was set for trial for permanent total disability and attorney ​Thomas​ Vaughan had successfully taken multiple medical and lay depositions.